Your HR System and Smarts for SME Success

Did you know? Tips and tricks of the Diffuze System

Did you know? Tips and tricks of the Diffuze System

Signed or unsigned? We have done the chasing for you.

Gone are the days of chasing paperwork – following up staff for lost forms or trying to decipher illegible handwriting. If you’re using DiffuzeHR you have already eliminated the paper trail by moving to a truly paperless cloud based environment.  Challenge 1 completed!

You might think that making sure staff have completed all their documents is the next challenge. A common question we get from clients is how they can check which staff have completed their documents and which still have ones outstanding.

Well, working it out is easy with our employee reports.

The reports section of your HR dashboard gives you access to a series of reports that will help you manage your employees’ information. Simply click on the report called Signed/unsigned documents and it will list all the documents your staff have been given and will show you whether the documents have been read or signed. Activate filters to show just unread and/or unsigned documents, sort any of the column headings to clearly view the information you need, and you can also export to Excel! Easy!

Too many things to do? We can help you keep on track.

No one likes to be disorganised. But managing your workflow can be tricky at times. Getting organised can relieve stress and make you feel more confident and productive in the work you are trying to do.

Well Diffuze is all about making life easier and saving you time which is why we added a simple To-do list function.  Simply add tasks to your list and set their priority with the Due date and our automatic traffic light system will get you back on track. Simple!

Help she cried!

Did you know that DiffuzeHR has an extensive Help section? Our Help section is not a technical guide on how to use the system but a library of information to answer many common HR questions. We cover topics such as Performance Management, answering questions such as “Managing the performance improvement process?” and “What happens if the form does not help the Employee improve?” –  Through to the many questions that can pop up when it comes to employee separation.

While we are always happy to answer your questions over the phone, our help section is a valuable resource that might just give you the answers you’re looking for.


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Barry Lehrer

Having run my own small business for over twenty years, I understand one of the biggest challenges is protecting your business from potentially damaging personnel or HR issues. That’s why I developed Diffuze.

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